Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

Flat $10.00 across Canada (free if your order is over $50) or $20.00 to the USA. International orders, please contact us for rates.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard, PayPal and eTransfers (Canadian orders). Sorry, we do not accept cheques, mail orders or purchase orders. For your protection, we screen orders for potential fraud. Please ensure that your billing address matches that of your payment method to avoid delays in order processing.

How long will delivery take?

Canadian orders (depending on where you live) usually arrive within 5-9 business days. United States (mainland) orders usually arrive within 5-7 business days.

What currency are your prices listed as?

All prices online are listed in Canadian dollars. If you purchase from another country, your credit card company will exchange to your local currency afterwards.

Will I be charged customs fees?

Customs fees (taxes, duties, processing fees, brokerages fees, etc.) may be charged upon delivery and required to obtain your order for customers outside of Canada. These fees are NOT included in your shipping charges, and we do not issue any refunds for customs fees, shipping, or the cost of your order should you refuse to pay the customs fees. (Sorry, we are not able to mark orders as “gifts”.) For more details on customs fees, please contact your local customs office for help on estimating customs fees, taxes, duties, etc.

What exactly happens after I place my order?

Once we receive your order and payment, we manually pull and confirm your orders items. If there are any issues with your order we will contact you within 24 hours. Orders are then boxed up and submitted to Canada Post for delivery pickup. An email will then be sent to you confirming shipment and a tracking # as your order heads to your destination. For American orders, once your order crosses the border your shipment (and tracking info) are taken over by USPS.

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